What to do when you have given up as an entrepreneur




What to do when you've given up

as an entrepreneur


Have you given up on being an entrepreneur? Did motivation, money, or results deter you from being successful? Well don't let that get to you. We all go through those same problems when we are starting out. What makes an entrepreneur different from others is the fact that they will continue to persevere even when things start to get tough. They take that hardship and let it drive them to overcome those hardships.


Lack of Motivation

Lack of motivation can be the hardest to overcome because it can only come from one's self. People around you can try to motivate all day long but until you start to motivation and drive yourself, it will not take into effect. When looking for motivation think about :


  • Why you started trying to be an entrepreneur?
  • What are you going to do when you become successful?
  • How will being successful better your life?
  • How will it make you feel to start a business from nothing?

A big part of having motivations stems from having self confidence. You can check out our Weekly Tip #3: Have confidence in yourself to learn more about how to build up self confidence. Learn More


Lack of Money

People think that you can not be an entrepreneur and have a job. Well I'm here to say that there is nothing wrong with doing both. Most of us do not come from wealthy families and trust funds. Most of us came from hard working families that work for every cent they make. So for people like us, we need to have a job to fund out ventures, at least in the beginning. A tip to getting away from a job quickly is investing in something simple and profitable. There at many ideas out there but when I first started this business, I quick my job and needed large amounts of money. So I decide to sell something like many people out there. I decided to resell shoes. While it took a little money to start, it did not take much. It quickly became profitable with a little product and copywriting research. 


While reselling shoes may not be the best fit for you, there are a wide range of ideas out there and I'm sure there is at least one that will make you a decent amount of money. 


But while you do these side hustles, do not lose sight of the big picture, which is the main venture you are trying to start. The side hustle is only there to allow you to pay your bills and fund you venture. Now, if your side hustle starts to make you large amounts of money, there is nothing wrong changing your plan and focusing your time and efforts into that side hustle. 


Do what is going to bring in the money with the least amount of time and effort. This way you can have time to put more, money making ideas, into play to increase you profits.


Lack of Results

Lack of results is what brings down many people which can lead to lowering your motivation to continue. Results take time to show up, in most cases. In some special cases, you can see results immediately but that is not the story for the most of us.


Like in my shoe reselling venture, I did not sell anything for 3 months. But I kept buying shoes, and putting them up for sale. Then one day that first sale came in and I made a 150% profit. Then for another month I did not see another sale. But then all of a sudden, I started to make a consistent amount of sales every week. 


During that time that I did not sell anything, I still continue to put money into the business and never stopped trying to figure out how to sell more shoes. Of course there were mistakes along the way but I learned from them. This is actually something I still do to this day because it still makes money and is still worth my time. 


Hopefully this can motivate, at least, one person to continue and succeed in being an entrepreneur. Don't give up, even if things seem to get tough. You never know what is waiting for you, just around the corner. It could be the success that you are looking for.


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By: JMS Admin

November 22 , 2019

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