


By: Admin

November 18 , 2019

Why is confidence important?

Confidence is defined as the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something. That something is yourself. Even if you are selling a product or service, you need to have confidence in yourself. As amazing as that product or service may be, it will not sell itself, and you can not sell it if you do not have that self confidence.


How to know if you lack confidence

It may be difficult sometimes to notice that you lack confidence. Our minds try to make us believe that everything is okay when in reality it is not. This can sometimes hurt us in the long run. Noticing that we lack confidence can only be realized by taking a second and reflecting on ourselves. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I feel good about myself?
  • Do I truly feel I can do this?
  • When everyone else is telling me I can't do this, do I still believe I can do it?
  • When times get tough, will I still have the drive to continue?
  • Do you have an end goal to all your hard work?
  • Do you have a plan B, C, D, etc?

Now lets dig deeper into each one of these questions.


Do I feel good about myself?

If you feel good about yourself, you can do anything. It's when you starting bringing yourself down, when your confidence can be affected. All confidence starts from a good feeling of one's self.


Do I truly feel I can do this?

When you put your mind to anything, you can do anything. The only thing that differentiates a successful person from one that is not as successful is the ability to feel that they can do anything if they set their mind to it. And when they set their minds to something, they do it.  


When everyone else is telling me I can't do this, do I still believe I can do it?

Only you can make yourself believe in yourself. You can spend years reading people's reasons for why you should believe in yourself, but until you decide to believe in yourself, it will not work. Once you believe in yourself, no one can change your mind. 


When times get tough, will I still have the drive to continue?

When you are running out of money, have lost friendships, have lost hope, have lost time and have nothing to show for it, will you still continue? If you answered yes, and actual meant it, then you have the determination that it takes to succeed. If you answered no, it doesn't mean that you will not be successful, it just means that it may take you longer to succeed. Of course there is no science to this but people that have drive and are determined, no matter what, can succeed in any type of situation.


Do you have an end goal to all your hard work?

When you get started being successful, do you have an end goal? End goals are great for keeping confidence and motivation up. The confidence is gained by knowing that if you can keep that confidence, you get that end goal reward. 


Do you have a plan B, C, D, etc?

If you have a plan B, C, D, etc, then you will never succeed on your plan A. Now, I am not saying that you can not have multiple plans going on at the same time, that is perfectly fine. But having a plan set up in place for when you fail is not the best way to think. You should keep yourself in the mindset that you WILL succeed in any venture you set yourself up for. 


How do I gain confidence?

While I can not simply give you a step by step guide to gain your confidence, I can give you tips and tricks that help me and people I have talked to. Here are a few ideas that works for some of us (not all might apply to you):

  • Dress for success (It helps you get in a good mindset)
  • Remind yourself throughout the day why you are doing what you are doing
  • Practice speaking at home
  • Go out and spark up a conversation with a stranger (this is very helpful in boosting confidence)
  • Start your day/week with a small, do-able To-Do list and check it at the end of the day/week to see all that you accomplished
  • Do not compare yourself to others that are more successful than yourself. This will only bring your confidence down (it is good to understand successful people but you should ask yourself, what made them successful and what do I need to do to get where they are)
  • Make a list of what you have accomplished so far
  • Create a plan to help you track your progress


These are only a few tips on how to gain confidence. If you have more confidence gaining tips please share them in out comment's section.


Confidence is easy to lose and hard to gain, so do you best to keep your confidence in yourself up. Remember that you can do anything you put your mind to. Anyone can accomplish anything.


I want to wish you guys the best of luck with whatever your ventures may be. Thank you for checking us out and we hope we could help or open your eyes to something new. Make sure you subscribe or follow us so you don't miss our weekly tips, blog posts and how to videos.


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