


By: JMS Admin

January 17 , 2020

Having trouble finding customers? Having trouble keeping customers? Well I'm not here to tell you how to find and keep customers, BUT I am here to give you some tips on how to think when you are searching.


It is as simple as thinking like your customers. What do I mean by that? Well it's simple. Let's say you are selling handmade socks. 


When you post them on eBay, Amazon, Etsy to sell you have to create a title, among other things but we will only focus on these. 


When you create the title, you can make it say "blue handmade socks sizes S-L" or you can think like a customer and think about what they want to see in the title. Once you think about it, the customer wants to know as much as possible in the title before be chooses to click on your socks. So after we think about like the customer we can change the title to say "Handcrafted Blue Cotton Socks Sizes S-L". Now that title catches your eye a little more than the first title. 


When you think like the customer, you try to figure out what you would like to see in a title. "Handcrafted" has a better appeal than "Handmade" since the word crafted in it makes it seem like there was true skill that went into making those socks. Then we move on to the word "Cotton". This lets the customer know something that they might have not even thought about but that they also wanted to know. And lastly you want to capitalize all your words because it makes it seem professional and shows that you didn't rush writing that title.


So what does writing a title have to do with thinking like a customer? Well it may not be a title that you have to write for your situation but the point is that you need to put yourself in the shoes of your customers to know what they are looking for, catch their attention, and ultimately allow them to choose you over someone else. 


This can apply to anything like marketing, sales, talking face-to-face, and much more. 


So now that you know you need to think like a customer, go out there and put it to work. This type of thinking will help you see more results from your endeavors.


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